Monday, November 26, 2012


@factsandtrivia: Americans empty 2.5 million plastic water bottles an hour. Each one takes 500 years to decompose.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Solution: O.U.R. Ecovillage

Brandy Gallagher & Company are living in a resource-based economy (RBE) in Shawnigan Lake, B.C. This social alteration is a 45 minute drive from Victoria Canada, a destination I am considering moving to. Imagine if we could live like this as a whole? Life would offer so much more happiness and connectivity.

"O.U.R. Ecovillage is a 25 acre, permaculture based, working farm and educational demonstration site for natural building, organic and permaculture food production and sustainable living."


Via my pops. Thanks for this one dad, great quote!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

No surprise on this one...

@factsandtrivia: Even though the U.S. government didn't grant Native Americans citizenship until 1924, nearly 13,000 of them served in WWI (1914-1918).

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Message

Solution: Open Source - Build it yourself!

The Big 3: Institutions to steer clear from. These 3 main cancerous establishments are preventing mankind to flourish and evolove. They are corrupt, outdated and are the culprit for most of the problems that currenlty exist.

Did we ever sign an oath when we were born that inducts us into this oppressive culture/society? No. We created these problems, we can end them and create innovative new ways of living life. We have the resources, knowledge and technology to do so, but our old ways are reigning supreme. Think about it....

The War on Kids - The War on Kids: The Definitive Documentary on the Failure of the Public Education System
A perfect example of 1 of our main institutions failing; School. It prevents children from expanding their minds and prohibits them to think outside the box. Furthermore, this documentary explains how schools are meant to control kids with an inferior and threatening manor. Most teachers don't have the tools to effectively teach children fundamental things, and if they do try and enlighten students, they get reprimanded as they want all students to be numb to this horrific society. The goal of school is to keep kids naive to real issues and train them how to take orders and succumb to mainstream peasants work. Enough is enough already.  

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Projects Peter Joseph is working on.....

Solutions for a sustainable life:
The Global Redesign Institute, coming soon

Paul Bloom: The Psychology of Everything

Let the person preventing the evolution of mankind tell you how....

The Empathic Civilisation

Never has the world seemed so completely united-in the form of communication, commerce, and culture-and so savagely torn apart-in the form of war, financial meltdown, global warming, and even the migration of diseases.
No matter how much we put our minds to the task of meeting the challenges of a rapidly globalizing world, the human race seems to continually come up short, unable to muster the collective mental resources to truly “think globally and act locally.” In his most ambitious book to date, bestselling social critic Jeremy Rifkin shows that this disconnect between our vision for the world and our ability to realize that vision lies in the current state of human consciousness. The very way our brains are structured disposes us to a way of feeling, thinking, and acting in the world that is no longer entirely relevant to the new environments we have created for ourselves.
The human-made environment is rapidly morphing into a global space, yet our existing modes of consciousness are structured for earlier eras of history, which are just as quickly fading away. Humanity, Rifkin argues, finds itself on the cusp of its greatest experiment to date: refashioning human consciousness so that human beings can mutually live and flourish in the new globalizing society…
As the forces of globalization accelerate, deepen, and become ever more complex, the older faith-based and rational forms of consciousness are likely to become stressed, and even dangerous, as they attempt to navigate a world increasingly beyond their reach and control. Indeed, the emergence of this empathetic consciousness has implications for the future that will likely be as profound and far-reaching as when Enlightenment philosophers upended faith-based consciousness with the canon of reason.

Peter Joseph and Joe Rogan

Have a convo with Jacque for an hour, trust me....

Futurist and Venus Project inventor, Jacque Fresco talking to Larry King

This was 38 years ago?!?!   We still have the exact same problems today with pollution, the monetary system and all institutions, and no significant resource-based culture has emerged. No major "democratic" referendums passed or new innovative laws or regulations being practiced ?! We continue to be herded like sheep by the top 1%, bankers and elitists?  Absolutely enraging.

Dirty 30: Zeitgeist, Peter Joseph and my new Life

At age 30, my sentiments on living a healthy, logical, sustainable life have been confirmed by being enlightened by this brilliant documentary series. I've always asked my dad, "Why do we need money." We don't. $ is debt intended for elitists and bankers to profit and to control corrupt policies. I feel like we have known this for years......I was forced to go to institutions like church, school and pointless jobs so the invisible "freedom hand" could guide me in the "right" direction. I now am realizing that this plot to control my entire life/decisions/values was merely a tactic to maintain ignorance and sheep-like communal practices in this pathetic corporatocracy that is so "normal?"  Fuck That. Im done. I have always believed that "everything is mental," which it is. We have known these facts for years, but nothing changes. My calling has been declared!

Stay informed @