Saturday, March 30, 2013

Movement of Habitable Zone and Geoengineering Necessity???

I have long thought about the Universe and how we are all products of its whole. Recently I have been thinking much about Earth's orbital zone and how it is slowly moving closer to the Sun, while Mars seems to be the next legitimate home. I watched a Science show about 3 months ago and they were contemplating "Polluting" Mars to heat it up faster so humans can migrate over sooner rather than later to reside in a safer habitable zone. The "urgency" and regular practice of Geo-engineering and the disgusting Chem-trails we see daily, have a direct correlation between Earth's natural drifting away form the habitable zone, and artificial metals being sprawled out in the air we breathe. We just keep fighting things with things that don't work, as we live in a "War-On-Everything" culture. Like Charles said, "The responses are all about more control. Yet control, as we may or may not realize, is a key thread of the old story of humanity rising above nature, imposing technology and reason on the wild world and the uncivilized human. All around us, we see our efforts at control backfiring: wars to fight terrorism breed terrorism, herbicides breed superweeds, antibiotics breed superbugs, psychiatric medications lead to explosive outbursts of violence." -Charles Eisenstein, The Space Between Stories

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