Monday, March 16, 2015

100000ft2 - I'm selling unconditional love for $0.00

(Update March 15th: Over 1 million viewers. Thank you for your interest.)

Hello, I am selling unconditional love for $0.

Infinite square feet lot. Includes refreshing air, sunshine, the Earth, beautiful mountains and the ocean. A stunning 'classic' heritage made 4.5 billion years ago.

Address: Earth, Solar System, Milky Way.

Available now to serious buyers. Perfect for the first-time buyer and experienced investors feeling empty and trapped with stress and pressure to maximize Return on Investment because of family and stakeholders expectation.

I received it a long time ago when I was born. I received the gift of life from my parents, the sun, the water, the Earth, the air, a smile, a hug, a helping hand, without being asked anything in return. I didn't earn any of them. They belong to public domain, the commons, "Mother Earth" or God, if you're religious.

At some point, my ancestors were afraid and decided to own land that once belonged to everyone, sell services that were once freely given, and even own humans through debt. Since it was claimed or stolen by those who made the laws themselves with a series of 'legitimate' transfers, then any law that enforces private ownership is perpetuating a crime. Not all laws are morally just. Only recently, slavery was legal and women weren't allowed to vote. Why pay for something that was stolen from you? They made a mistake. I'm sorry. Let's start fresh with this new sale.

Although I am only one human and my time and resources are limited, my soul and the intention of love is eternal, and so is yours... and I would like us to share that experience.

I don't accept cheques or mortgage payments, only cash payments of $0. You are also welcome to re-sale it for $0. But I must warn you... it will multiply once you do.

If you would like to join this incredible investing opportunity, you can email me by clicking on 'reply' to this post or visiting

Thank you,
The seller

P.S: Yes, I am for real. If you'd like to learn more about me, the seller, you can read this article on the Vancouver Sun. I'm a cancer patient who believes that love can heal me.

PPS: If you are disappointed and missed out on the $51 million Point Grey mansion recently sold in Vancouver, then you are in luck. What I am offering is priceless.

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