Thursday, November 17, 2016

The Fertile Ground of Bewilderment

Whenever we experience a "problem" our culture insists we look externally for a culprit/antagonist to launch an attack on. Noticing symptoms of being sick...War against viruses, take this pill. Weeds in the garden....Go to war w/ them by dumping pesticides. Kids aren't doing hat we want them to be doing...War on Teachers etc.
Charles talks about the current "War w/Capitalism" and the pressure to maximize return....This system is "Built on the mythology of separation that holds us as separate individuals in a world of other, as these bubbles of psychology bouncing around, locked in a prison of flesh, separate from each other, separate from other beings in nature, separate from the world...interacting with it, but existentially separate."

"We need to be comfortable Not Knowing."

This larger cultural story of separation is creating these rituals of fear. What do we do about this poisoned cultural narrative?
~~~Intellectual force may not be the most effective
~~~Giving people an experience that contradicts the world of fear could be a Better^ Brilliant* solution

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

A Call To Authenticity

An Exemplar on how to Be.

Bursts through Cultural Conditioning.

Attain the Balance, Wisdom & rise to a level of Universal Meaning ... Breakthrough the Machinery of Cultural Conditioning in the same way the Shaman does, and attempt to discover something Authentic outside of the Self-Generated Language-Cloud.

Spirit Hunters

"It Dissolves you into a Confrontation with Authentic Being, and This is what we are Starving for." ~Terrence McKenna

*The Shaman*
[Shout Out to Shae!]

Chuck weighing in on election and offering solutions

"Can we please stop creating conditions for war? Can we please stop demonizing those who disagree with us? Can we stop the cheap and degrading psychoanalyzing of our opponents? These tactics might seem to succeed in the short term – one side or another will win – but in the end we have only strengthened the climate of hate and the mentality of war." ~Charles Eisenstein

Charles Eisenstein Perfectly Sums Up What America Needs to Do to Move Forward After The Election